Find out why we offer the BEST Service in Melbourne with over 40 Years Experience



Weight and Balance

Weight and Balance per racquet $35.00 + Lead
Lead Tape (per 10g) $10

Graphite Frame Repairs

Tennis Squash
One Break $100 $100
Shaft $120 $120


Grip Repairs

Grip Size Alteration  $30.00
Cushion Sleeve Alteration $30.00
Re-New / Resize Handle Pallets $35.00
Shave Grip Size Down $40.00
Shave Grip Size Down with New Butt Cap $50.00
Refix or Refit Butt Cap $15.00
Supply & Fit New Butt Cap $20.00
Fit Butt Cap Customer Supplied $10.00


 General Repairs

Remove Rattle Major $20.00
Remove Rattle Minor $15.00
Bumper & Grommet Set Tennis $25.00
Bumper & Grommet Set Squash $20.00
Bumper Only  $15.00
Individual Grommets Fitted $0.50
Fit Customer Supplied Grommets $10.00